Hospital Compliance Services

Hospital Compliance Services

With the growing drug problem in hospitals and increased oversight from DEA and FDA, implementation of effective drug diversion detection and prevention programs is crucial. Our compliance programs not only modernize your audit readiness, but they take into account patient needs and organization goals to keep you operating as efficiently as possible.

Keeping your organization safe without compromising patient care.

Through an evaluation of your current practices, IQVIA's hospital compliance experts can create a custom program designed to help you maintain compliance with 21 CFR Part 1300 to end regulations related to security, records, orders, prescriptions, disposal and return of controlled substances.

Our compliance programs not only modernize your audit readiness, but they take into account patient needs and organization goals to keep you operating as efficiently as possible.

Services include:

  • On-site assessments, reviews, and mock inspections
  • Set up of operation, records and reports
  • SOP development/reviews
  • Due-diligence reviews
  • Customized regulatory training
  • Statistically derived Significant Loss Threshold (SLT) establishment
  • Registration/approval process assistance
  • DEA Suspicious order monitoring and customer due-diligence assistance
  • Assistance obtaining DEA registrations

With IQVIA, you can protect your organization with better abuse and diversion detection programs, meet regulations without impacting patient requirements and medical needs, keep your administration and staff knowledgeable on current regulations, and conduct effective investigations in the event your organization is faced with a diversion case.

Contact us and let us help you keep your hospital compliant and safe.

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