NHS Solutions

NHS Solutions

Utilising the extensive range of data assets exclusively available to IQVIA, combined with our market leading expertise, we are able to support your organisation meet the challenge of delivering high quality, efficient and cost effective healthcare by identifying actionable insight and realising the value in your data.

Enabling a sustainable partnership between the NHS and the life sciences industry

To support and drive key advancements towards improving patient outcomes, IQVIA is at the forefront of unlocking the potential of NHS health data to realise future health improvements for the UK, and deliver transformative benefits for the patients of today and tomorrow. IQVIA believes that the value of NHS health data is not in the data per se, but in the clinical decision-making it can inform and as a trusted partner to health systems and providers, we use our extensive data and analytics capabilities to transform health outcomes and deliver pioneering biomedical research within 95% NHS Trusts who use one or more of our services.

Feedback Mechanism Solutions

Gain crucial insight into quality of care and deliver rapid improvements.

To know more about how IQVIA can aid the collection of patient reported outcome measures, patient experience and clinical audit data.

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