Simplify the trial experience

The IQVIA Patient Suite brings together best in breed products to save time and effort for sites and sponsors. Award winning technology, domain expertise, and scientific rigor drive solutions to assess user needs, efficiently collect data, and deliver operational excellence.

IQVIA Patient Suite solution orchestration

In today’s complex clinical trial landscape, sponsors and sites are looking for technology solutions that are integrated, user-friendly, and efficient, even when using disparate systems.

IQVIA Patient Suite combines IQVIA’s eConsent, IRT, and eCOA solutions to improve data quality and usability while optimizing trial conduct through automation. Add in IQVIA Connected Devices and the IQVIA Clinical eSource Platform to enhance data analysis.


The proven, global eConsent platform

IQVIA Complete Consent is the user-friendly, feature-rich electronic consent solution designed to support diverse protocols at a global scale.

It provides an easy, secure way to deliver highly engaging, regulatory compliant electronic consent for trials of all types so you can optimize enrollment and engagement, while realizing efficiencies to achieve better outcomes across the entire study lifecycle.


Accomplish more with a flexible, proven IRT

The IQVIA IRT Solution: Comprehensive randomization and trial supply management solution continues to be trusted by trial partners across study phase, complexity, and therapeutic area.

Built on a robust, scalable platform, our patient-centric approach to technology delivery provides exceptional value and peace of mind for sponsors and their patients in clinical trials.


An eCOA solution built for you, designed for your patients

Fast, flexible and proven, IQVIA’s industry-leading electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) platform ramps up efficiencies, delivers real-time data, and sharpens insights through best-in-class technology and a better patient experience.

Accelerate trial start up by up to 75% with the industry’s largest digital assessment library.


Power clinical trials with better data

As trial sponsors face increasing pressure to deliver new treatments to market faster, connected digital medical devices play a more critical role. IQVIA Connected Devices accelerates trial outcomes by streamlining the selection and deployment of medical devices to collect and analyze data.

Iqvia Human data science


Integration of IRT and eConsent with unified delivery provides robust solutions to clinical trial sponsor

IQVIA Patient Suite partnered with a sponsor to address concerns about digital adoption, and overcame obstacles delivering a unified digital solution for IRT and eConsent. The implementation exceeded expectations, minimizing change-related pain points.

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