
Innovate to succeed.

A new breed of therapies is entering clinical development. Make sure that your approach to drug development is as innovative as the compound you want to bring to market. 

Don't just manage change, lead it

To get new results, you need to look at new tools. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning unlock new insights from a widening pool of data sources, helping you

  • Prioritize compounds in your pipeline
  • Identify patient subpopulations that will show positive results from your treatment
  • Design trials with enriched patient populations and adjust patient recruitment criteria to enhance precision and speed
  • Proactively demonstrate the value of innovation to payers, regulators and patients

IQVIA is uniquely positioned to help connect research with commercialization, so you can optimize your drug development strategy and focus your investment on the most promising compounds.

Because we don’t just deliver market data, we leverage the latest technology, advance analytics and healthcare knowledge to generate insights that enable excellence in execution from molecule to market.


Drive strategy through expert regulatory insight and advice

Industry-leading therapeutic and functional area experts help clients glean relevant regulatory insights from world-class data, enabling real-time determination and evaluation of time, cost and risk. Our integrated consulting approach can also provide both program- and study-level strategy including realistic asset valuation. Learn more about our capabilities in:

  • Indication Prioritization
  • Study design
  • Gap analysis
  • Regulatory program strategy
  • Innovative regulatory roadmaps

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