Health Research Space

IQVIA Health Research Space

A direct-to-patient data collection and engagement platform that enables a seamless experience for participants in real world research 

mature man sitting at window using tablet

What is IQVIA Health Research Space?

IQVIA’s Health Research Space platform is designed to meet the needs of real world direct-to-patient decentralized studies by providing an intuitive, all-in-one digital platform to support high-quality data collection and engagement with patients and / or their caregivers.

Collect data directly from patients in a consented and compliant way

Enable data sharing across providers while ensuring patient privacy.

  • Patient Reported Outcome (PRO): instruments
  • Surveys: including baseline and adhoc
  • Diaries
  • Questionnaires
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR): authorized by participants

Increase patient engagement and retention in your study

  • Bring your own device: Browser-based access for computers and smartphones, including iOS and Android smartphone apps.
  • Self-onboarding and e-consent: Intuitive process to enable patient self-enrolment
  • Engagement workflows: System-generated notifications, alerts and content provisioning
  • Virtual site integration: Supports reactive and proactive engagement and telehealth visit scheduling with virtual site staff
  • Patient rewards: Participants can earn points for completing study tasks and self-administer payments and / or charitable donations
Man looking at cell phone

Stay up-to-date on progress of your study and identify areas for additional actions early

  • Study monitoring and reporting: Near real-time monitoring of enrolment, task compliance and drop-out
  • Track progress and initiate actions: Integration with virtual site services to monitor individual patient data and enable follow-up

Stick to your timelines while ensuring data quality and integrity

  • Quality Management: Integration with data management to ensure end-to-end data quality and integrity
  • Configuration: Integrated with standard operational processes to ensure timely and effective design and deployment

For study participants

woman on sofa with tablet

For sponsors

Man and woman looking at screen

For Patient Organizations

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