Real World & Health Data Sets

Harness the power of Real World Data

Finding the right information for your study is critical but finding the right datasets can be overwhelming and tedious. IQVIA makes it easier by bringing a combination of unparalleled clinically rich health data, advanced analytics, and human knowledge throughout the clinical development pathway. Studies can start sooner. Drugs can get to market faster. Safety can be firmly established. All while privacy is protected. 

Save time and effort. Use one of these ways to quickly find the right data.

Run a global search

Search our 2000+ dataset global Health Data Catalog on your own. Filter by over 200 variables.

Let us find it for you

Let our global data experts find the best EMR patient data, claims data, or Real World Data assets for your research project.


Follow Our Global Data and Technology Webinar Series

Join global IQVIA experts as they highlight new advances in data management, technology and strategy.

Sign up here for the next Webinar or to watch replays of past webinars in the Health Data Passport Series, and to access expanded content including infographics, data fact sheets, client case studies, and technology demonstrations.

Efficiently generate critical insights across the product lifecycle

Real World Data can be used for many key objectives across the drug development lifecycle from development to after commercialisation. Real world health data can be of crucial relevance to optimize clinical trials via more efficient site and patients’ identification, to understanding the disease landscape, to enriching the context for healthcare market access, to follow-up long term safety and drug utilization patterns, and to support commercial data analytics.

One data source may not fully answer all questions. Combining datasets or types of data (claims data, EMR, hospital data) may be leveraged.

Real World Data: Our new guide answers your questions

Download our guide to unlock the keys to effective RWD usage. The guide has answers to the most frequent and important questions – from how to evaluate RWD sources, to effective usage of claims, EMR, and other data, to the most effective analytic platforms and RWD data use cases.

Read the summary of the guide here.

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Our newsletter delivers the latest thought leadership around Real World Data (RWD), with insights, new available datasets, and more – from IQVIA and beyond, directly to your inbox. Sign up today to stay on top of industry changes and new data asset opportunities.

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