IQVIA Human Assisted Review Tool (HART)​

Human in the loop, AI in healthcare

To get high-quality insights, your datasets need to be accurate, structured and normalized. Manual cleaning is laborious, but fully automated pipelines for data extraction tend to produce “garbage in, garbage out” results.

IQVIA Human Assisted Review Tool (HART) combines human precision with industry-leading NLP. Rapidly extract, review and curate features from free text using our interactive web-based tool. HART simplifies the creation of high-quality gold standards and training data, to improve feature engineering and and drive the development of machine learning models.

AI-powered interactive curation

HART combines healthcare NLP with expert domain curation to deliver precise outputs, accomplishing in minutes what used to take hours. 

  • Proven: AI-powered curation by the world leader in healthcare NLP
  • Accurate: Best-in-class text mining approaches drive accurate, impactful insights from unstructured data
  • Interactive: Web-based code-free tool empowers users to accept or reject automatically detected hits
  • Integration: Seamlessly connect your IQVIA NLP products to create a connected workflow
  • Intuitive: Interface enables easy viewing of normalized results and original document 

female look at graphs on laptop

Uniting three technologies for optimized curation

Human review is the fastest and most cost-effective strategy to refine even the best AI systems. HART brings together three different technology approaches to make data curation fast, accurate and straight forward:

  • IQVIA NLP enables documents to be pre-annotated with high-quality information about concepts, relationships, and relevant meta-data to feed HART.
  • Built-in ontologies guide concept curation to classify data, and filtering within these ontologies enables faster, more accurate information.
  • Addition of new text matches and data validation of existing matches within the original document reduces errors.

Intuitive interface. Impactful results.

Embed human-in-the-loop AI into your healthcare NLP ecosystem

HART was designed to flexibly and seamlessly integrate where and when you need it most.

  • Interpretability/ Integration: Upload diverse document formats and leverage existing IQVIA NLP products to provide a seamless connection with IQVIA NLP Interactive Extraction
  • Easy-to-use interface enables the reviewer to link and group documents to monitor the project or review progress.
  • Support for dynamic annotation via highlighting, editing assertations and the ability to validate data using specific ontologies.
  • Export curated results as a gold standard with a configurable split between test and training sets. Results can then be used to calculate recall, precision and F-score.

Coming soon:

Comprehensive Audit Trail: Automatically keeps track of reviewer’s decisions providing transparency.

From risk adjustment to improved care

  • Determine the cumulative risk of each patient and report a complete picture of risk adjustment factor through HCC codes.
  • Enable users to evaluate patients on an equal scale by ensuring EMR are coded accurately, and all factors are represented.
  • Create powerful workflows that combine the best text mining approaches for impactful outputs from unstructured data
  • Entity recognition and data normalization ensures that clinical outcomes are not lost within unstructured text
  • Drive strategic direction and integrate NLP workflows use an iterative process to improve accuracy
  • Enable users to improve algorithm development by easily creating Query Gold Standards from IQVIA NLP Interactive Extraction results and original documents
  • Prepare data for Machine Learning workflows; Model Training and Model Evaluation

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