Salesforce Optimization

Execute precision sales force strategies at enterprise scale.

IQVIA is using the latest in advanced analytics to help align your resources to your market and ensure everyone is proactive and prepared.

Tighten the link between strategy and results

IQVIA uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to deliver critical insights on target healthcare providers. So you develop an actionable strategy that achieves an unprecedented level of agility and focus.

  • Accurately size, structure and deploy your sales focus to focus on the doctors most likely to prescribe your product. 
  • Run staffing, budget and competitive scenarios against complex business goals. 
  • Maximize your data with ours to create a more holistic picture of your environment.
Resource optimization (RO) answers key questions to allow for deployment of an optimal sales force. Which scenarios should we consider and which future events should we take into account? What is the optimal number of sales teams, including co-promotion? Which products in which detail position should we include per team? How can we best manage the change involved in sales force deployment? How does our structure impact our desired coverage and frequency targets? How should we structure the management of our sales force? How many reps should we have in our sales force?

The power of proactive analytics

Business rules shift. Markets expand and contract. Today's environment demands an agile sales strategy and tactical plan built on projections, not past results.

IQVIA's advanced statistical modeling can help you raise the caliber of sales force sizing and territory allocation, assessing the real-time impact of

  • Changes in the competitive landscape or provider mix
  • Set budget deadlines or portfolio forecasts
  • Shifting engagement factors such as provider responsiveness, call frequency, and workload constraints

Incentives that make sense

A strong incentive program will align incentives with motivation and calibrate based on what works, and what doesn't. IQVIA brings combined analytic and in-person expertise to your organization to ensure incentive planning includes appropriate representatives, acknowledges market complexity, and is designed to shift according to geography, product line and measurable feedback.

Case study: Quantifying competitive effect in the U.S.

The question: Did program engagement change prescribing behavior?

For a new treatment with many competitors, the maker came to IQVIA to understand how provider engagement with a promotional program translated to a change in prescribing behavior.

The answer: Showing a gain in share vs. a key competitor.

IQVIA measured prescriptions written by program participant vs. comparable non-program participants. This documented the gain produced by the program -- and pinpointed a specific competitor whose prescriptions declined among promotional participants.

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