IQVIA OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) Health Data

IQVIA OMOP Health Data provides streaming conversion of ingested data in near-time into the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM).

What is IQVIA OMOP Health Data

IQVIA OMOP Health Data is a pipelining service which creates high quality OMOP datasets. Our technology includes data ingestion and integration layer, data harmonization and aggregation layer, and a data mapping engine based on mapping scripts. The IQVIA OMOP Health Data is offered as a self-service tool.

IQVIA OMOP Health Data Delivers:

Near Time

  • Streaming data integration of all clinical and research data in one system
  • Automated near time conversion of data into the OMOP CDM
  • Streaming data conversion and snapshot capabilities
  • Monitoring and faster insights


  • Adapts to your data dictionary
  • Influence mapping and transformation
  • Those creating data elements can perform the mapping


  • Can be integrated into the IQVIA Health Data Research Platform
  • Use of existing tools like the Meta Data Repository for mapping support
  • Seamless integration in data governance

Data Harmonization

The Meta Data Repository (MDR) promotes the interoperability of all platforms connected in an IT system (e.g., treatment platform or research application, commercial off-the-shelf or developed in-house) via a common vocabulary (Metadata Dictionary or Master Data Dictionary) and a common interpretation (Meta Data Definitions or Master Data Definitions). This results in an efficient interconnected environment of systems able to communicate in their native context and language.

The MDR maps the master data of all system platforms via metadata-aware conversions to harmonize and broker the flow of data. This enables faster, simpler, and more transparent handling of data. The value of the MDR extends beyond the platform and assist with Data Governance across an entire ecosystem, elevating the quality of data across the board.

The MDR is an optional component of the IQVIA OMOP Health Data but extremely useful when multiple source systems across an organization, are ingested into the IQVIA OMOP Health Data pipeline.

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