Clinical Data Warehouse

Clinical Data Warehouse

It used to be that your administrative data and your clinical data could never be combined. After all, they’re created in different environments, reside in different places and follow different structures. Our Clinical Data Warehouse overcomes all of those challenges to allow you to view your clinical and administrative indicators together to measure and direct your business strategy. All in full compliance with the latest data protection regulations.

Monitor your performance by combining your clinical and administrative data

A Long-term Technology Solution for Analyzing your Performance 

Our Clinical Data Warehouse uses sophisticated algorithms to combine your administrative and clinical data (even free text data) on an analytical platform, making you the master of your own data. You can build reports, dashboards and visualizations to:

  • Monitor performance based on clinical AND administrative indicators 
  • Perform predictive analytics, including risk analyses
  • Share feedback across your organization
  • Identify patients for clinical trials and thereby attract more studies 
  • Support your accreditation journey
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