Omnichannel Analytics

Omnichannel Analytics

With IQVIA's Omnichannel Analytics, the answers are at your fingertips. Our consultants will work with you to leverage data from CRM systems, including MI, Veeva, OCE, and Salesforce, as well as your territory assignments so that you can easily visualize the details you need. 

Monitor interactions with customers against the cycle plan

You’ve developed a comprehensive omnichannel vision and strategy... but are your country sales teams executing against the plan? And is it working? To monitor your progress, you’ll need up-to-date details on such measures as:

  • Channel usage
  • Message impact, by channel
  • Customer coverage by product and channel
  • Trends in consent gathering (in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) by region and channel

With IQVIA's Omnichannel Analytics, the answers are at your fingertips. Our consultants will work with you to leverage data from CRM systems, including MI, Veeva, OCE, and Salesforce, as well as your territory assignments so that you can easily visualize the details you need. With customized dashboards built around the metrics that matter to you, you can:

  • Track lagging metrics to course correct against the strategy
  • Improve the impact of your messaging, by channel
  • Test different email versions to identify the most effective message
  • Increase the commercial team’s motivation with a current view of their progress against their interaction objectives
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