Be Recall Ready

Recalls happen to even the most diligent companies and the impact on business is often underestimated. As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, MedTech companies need a customized plan that can be implemented with speed and accuracy on a global scale.

IQVIA MedTech offers a global, flexible outsourced solution that supports in the management and execution of your recalls and field actions. 

A flexible, outsourced, global solution

What makes IQVIA MedTech different?

Is your business able to respond proactively to recalls? Are your teams prepared to respond with speed and agility?

IQVIA MedTech’s customized approach executes recalls and field actions quickly and accurately without overburdening your teams. With a dedicated, 3,500-strong global recall team, our service solution builds global execution teams for each step of the recall, incorporating an automated recall platform to track every activity to support your recall planning and enable you to respond with agility.

Based on real events: 3 Recalls at the same time


IQVIA MedTech average response rate for recalls.


Size of the IQVIA MedTech dedicated recall team across our global field-based and support center teams ready for rapid deployment.


IQVIA MedTech’s recall customer retention rate.

Whitepaper: Recall Readiness for MedTech Companies

in 2022, there were almost 12,000 recalls affecting nearly 62 million products worldwide. Is the industry Recall Ready?

Brochure: IQVIA MedTech Recall and Field Action Program

Download details about IQVIA MedTech’s flexible, outsourced, global Recall and Field Action Program.

Be Recall Ready: Contact us
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