Fact Sheet
IQVIA's Experience and Expertise in Radiopharmaceutical Clinical Trials
May 20, 2024

Radiopharmaceutical clinical trials are complex and require considerations for study planning and execution. Manufacturing locations are limited due to short half-lives. Shipment time delay can cause radioactive decay. Regulatory requirements vary across countries. Clinical trial sites need licenses to handle radioactive materials, which reduces the number of eligible sites. Patients may have more anxiety and fear about radioactive material, impacting patient recruitment. Lastly, specialty equipment and set up are needed to run trials.

It takes an experienced partner to successfully execute radiopharmaceutical clinical trials. IQVIA is a global leader in oncology clinical development who has worked with pharmaceutical and biotech companies in developing novel cancer drugs. In the past 5 years, IQVIA conducted more than 25 radiopharmaceutical phase I – IV studies.

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