Real World Data

Real World Data

Real world data is the best way to gain a robust and detailed understanding of patient behaviors and measure shared clinical and commercial objectives. 

Gain a holistic view of the patient’s healthcare experience.

Clients utilize IQVIA's unparalleled source of non-identified patient data for:

  • Studies addressing key business issues including product adherence, concomitance , and source of business
  • Link information across multiple sites of care including the physician’s office, hospital, and laboratory to create a more comprehensive understanding of patients behavior and outcomes
  • Combine with commercial information for more accurate view of performance

Leverage real-world data in these key offerings:

  • Xponent Prescribing Dynamics®: Aligning sub-national patient performance with patient activities to aid in supercharging sales/commercial performance
  • NPA New To Brand®: Used as the next logical step to understand national brand performance, NPA New to Brand shows which drugs are winning market share among new patients.
  • Total Patient Tracker®: RWD product that helps to size prescription drug markets in terms of the unique individuals taking medications

Contact us to learn more about how to incorporate is information into your commercial operations.

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