Managed Markets Data & Analytic Solutions

Managed Markets Data & Analytic Solutions

Fundamental to the success of your market access strategy is clear visibility into payer, provider and patient behavior.

Inform your access strategy with critical insights into payer, provider and patient behavior.

IQVIA’s comprehensive real-world database includes lifecycle transactions that offer the critical level of detail required to untangle the complex interaction of payer utilization management, patient response to cost sharing, and prescriber ability to overcome rejections. This view of prescription reversal and rejection rates tied seamlessly to the broader data assets of our real-world database, creates a holistic view of brand performance and key market trends, and empowers us to execute upon a broad range of analytic studies designed to help you achieve the level of access you seek.

  • Create standardization across your organization, and establish an accurate, reliable single-source of truth for managed market , co-pay, and traditional patient analytics
  • Evaluate the suppression in share due to a payer controls such as prior authorization, and how it varies geographically
  • Identify the geographies with the greatest cost sensitivity and research the dynamics of co-pay card programs across your brands and those of competitors or analogues
  • Provide your commercial teams with visibility to the structure and prevalence of pharmacy benefits on patients and their impact on share performance
  • Measure the impact of formulary changes on your brands and those of competitors to develop a more effective payer contracting strategy

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