Pharmacy Communications

Pharmacy Communications

IQVIA’s Pharmacy Communications offers pharma companies a simple and cost-effective channel to communicate product changes, updates and patient advice directly to patients via pharmacists. 

Increase patient adherence and bridge the communication gap

IQVIA’s Pharmacy Communications offers pharma companies a simple and cost-effective channel to communicate product changes, updates and patient advice directly to patients via pharmacists. The channel is only triggered when your product is dispensed – allowing timely reminders to pharmacists at the point they need it most.

In addition to boosting patient adherence, IQVIA Pharmacy communications support the pharmacists in:

  • Managing low stock situations or discontinuations
  • Ensuring the correct titrationfor new patients
  • Reminding of different doses for different indications
  • Informing patients of changes to the look of pack or pill

Optimise the Use of your Products - Interact Directly with Pharmacists and Patients

Non-adherence is fast becoming one of the most critical problems to healthcare provision across the country. Bridging the gap between healthcare manufacturers, pharmacies and patients is fundamental. IQVIA's Pharmacy Communications provides manufacturers with a unique opportunity to interact directly with pharmacists and patients and is proven to increase adherence by 8.6 percent by providing timely information when a product is dispensed. It tackles the causes of non-adherence by prompting an interaction between pharmacist and patient – either verbally or through patient leaflets or additional bag labels.

Make Life Easier for Pharmacists and Boost your Brand’s Reputation

Your products improve life expectancy, but statistics still show patient adherence at an all-time low. Quite often, patients do not take medicine as directed by health care professionals either from lack of understanding, forgetfulness, or fear of adverse effects. Consequently, non-adherence in the UK shows an estimated annual spend of £500 million driven by increased risk of hospitalization, disease progression and premature mortality.

IQVIA’s Pharmacy Communications not only facilitates crucial product updates, changes and advice to the pharmacist, but also provides a unique opportunity to enroll patients in available support programs.

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