Post Marketing Research Studies

Post Marketing Research Studies

The increasing costs of developing and marketing treatments require smarter approaches to generate evidence to understand a product’s effectiveness and safety profile and drive better patient outcomes.

We provide end-to-end solutions for your post marketing research

At IQVIA RWS, we manage your post-marketing research requirements using innovative technologies and an agile Canadian team of experts to deliver excellence. With experience that spans therapy areas and study designs, we use a local country model and the latest technologies to generate evidence from investigators and patients.


Are you looking for a local team to run your study efficiently? Our agile team of local experts have both depth and breadth of expertise in conducting post-marketing clinical studies and will closely work with you throughout the project

Are you looking for a study with high quality standards? IQVIA has developed a Canadian 10-step process that can be implemented in all studies, with SOPs to ensure that the highest standards of governance and quality assurance are met 

Are you looking for an innovative solution using the latest technologies? We use innovative technology that ensures studies are conducted efficiently such as the use of our EDC system and user-friendly tools

  • eConsent: SaaS tool to facilitate efficient and secure enrolment of patients in the study
  • IQVIA Connection: Web-based/mobile-friendly tool to collect patient reported outcomes without the patient requiring to visit the site 
  • eDiary: Mobile or web-based tool to facilitate collection of patient-reported outcomes. Incorporates validated PRO tools. Available in both French and English
  • Evidence Platform: Clinically-rich data sets, advanced analytics, user-friendly interfaces
  • Reporting: Insightful analysis and ensuring statistical and methodological validity

We are reimagining evidence generation with innovative approaches to help identify the right study for your specific needs

  • Prospective Observational Studies
  • Retrospective Observational Studies
  • Enriched Studies
  • Local Country Interventional Studies
  • Patient Support Program Studies
  • Patient Reported Outcomes
  • Cross-Sectional Cohort Studies
  • Registries
  • Knowledge Dissemination
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