Fact Sheet
Unintended Consequences: How the Affordable Care Act Helped Grow the 340B Program
Sep 04, 2024

Review the summary of IQVIA's study of the 340B Drug Discount Program examining the program's scale by comparing the number of 340B patients and the revenue from 340B drug discounts to the number of vulnerable individuals. In 2021, 25.9% of healthcare users were 340B patients, with 2.1 to 3.6 times more 340B patients than vulnerable individuals, depending on Medicaid inclusion. This ratio increased for patients using certain Medicare-negotiated drugs. From 2013 to 2021, while the vulnerable population nearly halved, 340B revenue grew by 374%, partly due to the Affordable Care Act, leading to a misalignment between 340B revenue and the size of the vulnerable population. Read this white paper to explore more insights.

For the full analysis please read out white paper here.

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