Variation in Healthcare Visits and Treatments Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 19, 2022


4:00PM - 5:00PM



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In this webinar, we'll take IQVIA's new National Medical and Treatment Audit (NMTA) and Diagnosis Allocation (DA) tools for a spin. IQVIA's newest data solution, NMTA and DA, enables researchers to explore variations by patient geography, demographics, physician specialty, method of payment, and diagnosis across time on responses to questions such as:
  • What percentage of upper respiratory infection diagnoses result in an anti-infective prescription?
  • What are the most common medications dispensed for Type 1 diabetes in children?
  • What is the most common indication for the prescription of opioids to patients during the first, second, or third diagnosed visit?
  • Which pain diagnoses are commonly associated with prescriptions for specific products?
  • How do prescribing patterns differ in the pre- and post-COVID eras?


Melanie Wasserman, PhD, PMP
Principal, IQVIA Government Solutions, IQVIA

Silvia Valkova
Principal, IQVIA Government Solutions, IQVIA

Maria Elisabeth Murray, PhD
Engagement Manager, IQVIA Government Solutions, IQVIA

Sarah Sharkey, MPH
Senior Consultant, IQVIA Government Solutions, IQVIA

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