Unlocking Success: Trends and Strategies for Email Marketing in 2024 and Beyond
Kevin McGreevey, Product Manager, IQVIA
Apr 11, 2024

Despite what continues to be a perennial cycle of questioning email's effectiveness relative to new forms of digital marketing, email continues to show its staying power and relevance. From 2023 through the present, we have seen email used in new ways with healthcare provider audiences to produce some of the highest engagement we have ever seen.

In "Lessons from 150+ Million Emails: Insights for 2024", experts from IQVIA Digital Enablement shared an analysis of emails sent to healthcare providers in 2023, and identified trends, changes, and challenges impacting email marketing today. Here are three key takeaways:

Personalized Email: Deliver Double-Digital Performance Increases

Interestingly this year, marketers across life sciences, hospital and health systems, and publishers experienced double-digit percentage increases in campaign open rates year over year. This growth coincides with increased segmentation and tailoring of content to healthcare providers (HCPs), demonstrating that additional layers of personalization drive better engagement. An email sent to a large audience will have messaging designed with broad appeal, while an email sent to a small group of individuals based on previous behavior will be tailored and more personalized to that group. We distinguish between these two types of email by calling them Broadcast and Triggered email.

Broadcast sends, which may include newsletters, updates, and surveys, are intended for large audience segments and remain a foundation for email marketing. While Broadcast messaging is effective, the webinar showcased that one size does not fit all. HCPs, individually and within each specialty, vary greatly, and their time for brand messaging is split between their patients and research. Improving personalization with Triggered emails affords brands the ability to diversify their strategies beyond broadcast emails. Coupling these Broadcast sends with Triggered emails provides HCPs with a curated experience. During the webinar, we saw examples of improved results through personalization with high open rates of broadcast emails, but further increased engagement with Triggered emails when used in addition to those Broadcast sends.

Consistent communication for increased email engagement

While personalized Triggered email absolutely supports the need for relevancy and timeliness, consistent, prevalent messaging is fundamental to building a relationship and increasing engagement. This idea of consistency in email messages from brands was highlighted throughout the webinar with striking visuals showcasing improved engagement. The improved engagement was particularly evident when reviewing some of the most emailed HCP specialties. Oncology saw open rates of 16.84% in Life Sciences and 15.83% in Hospital and Health Systems. There's an assumption that sending more will cause recipients to tire of your emails and engage with them less, but when the content is relevant, the opposite is true. You'd be hard-pressed to find a busier, more emailed person than an oncologist, but we are seeing some of the highest open rates we've ever seen for this specialty, and the consistency in outreach from brands was key to success for the specialty overall.

Keeping up with DMARC in 2024

The last trend we want to touch on in this recap is around DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance), a topic that garnered many questions from attendees. The DMARC standard was circulated in 2013, but there was a low adoption rate. Gmail and Yahoo are now requiring senders to institute a DMARC policy within their DNS to authenticate sending domains and protect users from nefarious actors. This, as well as the introduction of Gmail's one-click unsubscribe requirement, will need to be adhered to along with staying under new lowered spam thresholds for these ISPs. While DMARC is not a new policy for 2024, it is a growing concern for brands and advertisers that will require partnership with a trusted, knowledgeable provider to navigate the changing landscape of email marketing.

"Lessons from 150+ Million Emails: Insights for 2024" provided a lens into IQVIA's Digital Enablement Center of Excellence's expansive expertise in email as well as how email can serve any healthcare market's goals in 2024 and beyond. Watch the on-demand webinar here or connect with our email experts to discuss how we can help you meet your email marketing goals in 2024.

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