"Death Data" Breathes New Life into the Fight Against Cancer
IQVIA’s Privacy Analytics and Data Marketplace teams safely incorporate mortality information into commercial data assets
Meysam Safari, Sr Data Scientist, Privacy Analytics Data Services, IQVIA
Scott Hulnick, GM IQVIA Data Marketplace
Feb 16, 2023

The battle against cancer in the U.S. has been raging at a fever pitch for decades, but at the end of 2022, hope dawned on the horizon. Just after the start of the new year, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) released their 2022 Cancer Progress Report, detailing the incredible news that cancer rates in the U.S. have fallen steadily between 1991 and 2019. Contributing to this reduction are improvements in detection and treatment, decreased smoking, and an investment in research and real-world studies to further understanding of the disease.

The larger picture revealed by that research brings attention to an important source of information — mortality data. This “death data” helps answer a multitude of questions for payers and providers alike, including but not limited to whether the newest cancer therapies can extend life (and for how long), and if we're gaining or losing ground in the fight against a disease that presents one of the greatest public healthcare crises in the U.S. Additionally, mortality data tells us more about how many people are dying, and more importantly, why.

However, this critical information is sensitive, and increases the risk for patient re-identification. As such, mortality data has been governed by strict privacy laws and was frequently redacted from data assets. Due to this fact, there has been a growing need for end-users of this data to safely incorporate mortality information into several important U.S. data assets. If this could be accomplished, those users would gain mortality coverage over a range of linkage scenarios and longitudinal patient data uses, providing a much more complete picture of mortality trends over time.

The Privacy Analytics and Data Marketplace teams at IQVIA kicked-off a comprehensive Re-identification Risk Determination project that took nearly nine months to complete. Key to its success was finding novel ways to maintain the value of data while ensuring the patient cannot be identified. For example, death dates are divided into monthly groupings to eliminate identification risk. The result is a highly cost-efficient, future-proofed solution that brings mortality information to key assets.

These linkages have unlocked a wealth of opportunities, including the ability to glean a deeper understanding of the efficacy and survival rates of individual therapies, effectively filling in the picture of the patient experience more clearly, and ultimately guiding better patient care.

Overview of IQVIA Data Marketplace:

Enabled by IQVIA’s underlying, comprehensive privacy framework, linking, and de-identification engine, the IQVIA Data Marketplace provides enhanced visibility into the patient, and empowers organizations by seamlessly connecting “emerging” and “traditional” datasets while leveraging IQVIA’s best-in-class subject matter expertise to facilitate the delivery and interpretation of results.

Overview of Privacy Analytics:

Privacy Analytics, an IQVIA company specializing in data privacy and protection, has performed holistic statistical analyses to safely incorporate mortality information into several important U.S. data assets. The result gives users of those assets mortality coverage over a range of linkage scenarios and data uses, deepening insights with a more complete picture of mortality trends over time.

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