Unlocking the Value of Speaker Programs Through Intelligent Insights
How life science companies can use analytics and intelligence to get the best results from their speaker bureau engagements
Karen Villarreal, General Manager, Speaker Bureau, IQVIA
Tom Kirkpatrick, Director, Speaker Bureau Innovation & Offering Lead, IQVIA
Nov 04, 2022

IQVIA data shows that the thought leader-led engagement of speaker programs is one of the most preferred and effective ways for HCPs to get educational information. However, the rapidly changing dynamics the industry has faced in recent years have increased the complexity of delivering HCP engagements. Evolution of the following key areas have had a notable impact on life science companies’ healthcare provider (HCP) engagement approach:

  1. Customer dynamics and preferences
    HCPs’ engagement preferences are evolving due to greater demands on their time, changing demographics, and new ways of consuming information. While they still prefer face-to-face engagement overall, the extent varies across demographics, therapeutic areas, and geographies. In addition, more HCPs want to access on-demand content and engage with life sciences companies when it fits into their schedules. And there’s an increased emphasis on the content itself being scientific, educational, and delivered by trusted sources, in a way that is personalized to the HCP.
  2. Regulatory landscape
    Regulations and guidance within the customer engagement space continue to expand across the globe. Life sciences companies should expect new regulations, data privacy and transparency requirements, and increased scrutiny on promotional activity across the industry. Navigating regulations when the organization operates across multiple regions becomes very complex.
  3. Environmental influences
    The way people consume information, learn, and interact with one another is changing. From social media platforms and virtual meeting technologies, to the multi-modal packaging of content (e.g., video, podcast, blog, virtual reality, augmented reality), there is no “one-size fits all” approach to delivering information to HCPs. Like the rest of us, HCPs have come to rely on personalized and targeted information that is pushed to them, as well as the ability to pull the information when and how they want to consume it. COVID-19 has accelerated changes that were already underway, driving an acceptance of new technologies and content-delivery mechanisms. The industry tends to lag behind in leveraging modern engagement tools,  but change is evitable, especially as a younger generation of HCPs begin moving into more prominent roles.
  4. Commercial strategy
    Life sciences companies continue to contend with rapid transformation of commercial models becoming more personalized and patient-centric, driven by the trends above, as well as pandemic disruption. Meeting HCP preferences, staying ahead of trends, remaining compliant, and continuing to adapt to the changing environment is a complex challenge for life sciences companies. Throughout this rapid and wide-ranging change, however, speaker bureaus have remained a high-performing channel. But to get the most out of them, companies must embrace a new HCP engagement model and strive to optimize the channel.

What it means to optimize the speaker bureau channel

IQVIA continues to lead and innovate by providing intelligent solutions leveraging company-wide strength in real-time data to drive engagement strategies and stay ahead of changing dynamics. Like other channels, IQVIA Speaker Bureau can be optimized by driving effective actions using the right insights, based on the right data.

For example:

  • Right Speaker
    Identifying the right speaker for an event not just based on their expertise on the topic, but also based on their sphere of influence according to peer network analysis and their experience delivering presentations on the topic, as determined by previous conference and event speaking engagements. 
  • Right Attendees
    Targeting attendees based on insights derived from peer networks, online behavior demonstrating interest in the topic, and anonymized patient longitudinal Rx and Claims data.
  • Right Messaging Delivered in the Right Format
    Delivering a message that is targeted to the specific audience needs becomes easier with the availability of insights regarding attendee needs and preferences. Leveraging an asynchronous, multi-modal approach in a way that resonates with the recipient reinforces the message.
  • Right Follow-Up Actions
    Taking a more responsive and personalized approach based on HCP actions --  triggering content, information, and engagement based on customer actions and digital online behaviors as part of a broader Omnichannel approach.

Data insights, analytics, and strategic capabilities help life sciences companies stay ahead of market dynamics, optimize speaker bureau channels, track, and deliver on HCP preferences, and maximize the overall impact of each engagement.  

Overall, this end-to-end intelligence, driven by AI/ML capabilities, enables better decision making, from speaker bureau strategy and planning through execution, post-event follow up, and measurement.

In subsequent blogs, we will dive deeper into these optimization opportunities, detail how to measure success, and elaborate on how IQVIA is doing this today for customers.

Optimize your speaker bureau

IQVIA delivers holistic speaker bureau strategy and management — from data-driven insights and engagement strategies, to coordination of logistics and business rule enforcement, to cost containment, honorarium payments, government reporting, and more.

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Innovative and Effective Speaker Programs

Discover ways to evolve and elevate your HCP promotional and educational engagements with IQVIA Speaker Bureau.

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