Market Intelligence Solutions

Prescription Based Services (PBS)

IQVIA’s Prescription Based Services (PBS) offers manufacturers detailed insights into how and where products are prescribed in the Community setting, providing the right perspective on where to focus efforts, and the context to support the right approach.

Download the Factsheet or contact us for more information 

Prescription Based Services (PBS)

Benchmark performance and plan effectively

IQVIA's Prescription Based Services (PBS) is the leading community pharmacy prescription platform, providing a complete and holistic view of market demand.

Covering the primary care market using data collected through patient medical record (PMR) systems, the national level audit (Xponent BPI) gives visibility on what has been prescribed and dispensed for individual prescriptions, while the sub-national level audit (RxA) provides information on what has been dispensed at a brick level.

PBS Facts

Prescription information is collected from circa 96% of active UK GPs

PBS Supports

  • Business Intelligence Teams to measure the total market and market share growth, as well as analysing competitors, opportunities, threats and trends
  • Commercial Teams to measure company, sales representative and key account performance and trade

PBS Reporting

Reports can be delivered in an online report or XML format :

  • IQVIA British Pharmaceutical Index trawling
  • IQVIA British Pharmaceutical Index overview
  • IQVIA British Pharmaceutical Index in-depth
  • IQVIA Regional Prescription Analysis 
  • IQVIA Prescription Based Services and IQVIA Hospital Pharmacy Audit (Trawling/Overview/In-depth)
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Market Intelligence Solutions

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