Market Intelligence Solutions

Supply Chain Manager (SCM)

IQVIA’s Supply Chain Manager (SCM) offers a comprehensive view of routes of supply of medicines to effectively manage stock and respond to market changes to maintain a competitive edge.  

SCM provides insights into the flow of pharmaceutical products from manufacturer through wholesaler to outlet location, covering both primary and secondary care. This full picture offers a complete understanding of the total UK pharmaceutical market supply chain, including own and competitor products in primary and secondary care settings. With daily, weekly and monthly feeds from UK suppliers, SCM enables real-time responses to market dynamics.

Download the Factsheet or contact us for more information.

Supply Chain Manager (SCM)

Reflecting Purchases and Measuring Flow

With IQVIA's Supply Chain Manager (SCM) you can stay ahead of the competition monitor routes of supply and manage stock to ensure patients always have access to your products.

SCM is a powerful, granular solution that empowers users with rapid and detailed insights and includes purchases by retail pharmacies, dispensing doctors, drug stores (without pharmacies), hospitals, industrial medical centres, inter-wholesaler distribution (transfers) and parallel import packs

SCM Facts

  • Supply Chain Manager tracks sales into +27,000 outlets
  • Supply Chain Manager reports data for +10,000 products

SCM Supports

  • Business Intelligence Teams to analyse the competitive market
  • Commercial Teams to monitor commercial activities within the supply chain
  • Finance Teams to monitor commercial agreements and trade

SCM Reporting

  • Daily Sales Tracker
  • Weekly Supply Chain Manager
  • Monthly Supply Chain Manager
  • Wholesaler Hospital
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Market Intelligence Solutions

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