Sales Data

Information and analytics on pharmaceutical sales across the Nordics.

Gain fast insights into where products are sold and what your market share is. For more than 40 years, IQVIA has been the global market leader within sales information. This also applies in the Nordics where IQVIA can provide high quality data sources covering the entire Nordic pharmaceutical market.

Take full advantage of the rich data assets in the Nordics.

Whether you need deep-dive country-level status of how your products are performing or a Nordic sales overview, we have the data and tools to support you.

To ensure uninterrupted data delivery to our clients, IQVIA is working in close collaboration with wholesalers, pharmacies and authorities to make sure high quality data is provided in a timely manner. By combining various sources, we can reach 90-100% coverage, depending on the country. This allows you to:

  • Maintain full insight into your market position
  • Monitor movements in the market
  • Forecast daily, weekly and monthly sales

The granularity and frequency of delivery vary between countries.

IQVIA Nordic One View

We offer our clients operating in the Nordics a harmonized way of looking at both companies and products. The IQVIA Nordic One View database makes the analysis of sales data easier and leaves the user with the full overview.

Based on Nordic sales databases covering Sweden, Norway and Finland, IQVIA Nordic One View gives you sales information on a national or subnational (brick) level in one harmonized delivery. It allows you to compare product sales across the Nordics in local currency, EUR and USD.

IQVIA Nordic One View is the ideal solution for sales reps, sales managers and others that need fast and predefined insights. Together with our flexible BI tools it will allow you to create, save and export any sales data report or dashboard.

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