Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In today's changing healthcare delivery landscape, there is a need to rethink how healthcare delivery can be improved. For years, ageing populations and the increase in global prevalence on chronic illnesses has created an urgent need to rethink the delivery of healthcare. Structural changes in the healthcare sector and a shortage in staff makes it crucial that we utilize the benefits which lie in new technologies.


Healthcare sectors are growing and becoming more data intensified – we collect more data than ever before, access to data takes place in real time and data becomes available across systems and professional groups. In the Nordics we have a long tradition of structured collection of data and the amount of clinical data being captured is enormous.

In IQVIA, we believe that Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging opportunities to aid customers enhance precision, increase speed, and scale to reduce the growing pressure and help transform healthcare delivery. Due to the large amounts of data stored and the political commitment, the Nordics can be pioneering when it comes to implementing AI in the healthcare sector.

IQVIA help the Danish healthcare sector leveraging the power of AI by delivering end-to-end projects including data extraction, data cleansing, formatting, AI modelling and AI integration into the organization. IQVIA leverage cutting edge AI modelling techniques such as supervised and unsupervised machine learning, super learners, classification algorithms and regression algorithms. End-to-end projects help the organization go from data to valuable insights using AI.

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