
Support pricing and contracting in a complex environment

The pace of pharmaceutical innovation is increasing and leading to not only more, but also more diverse oncology pharmacological treatments poised to deliver significant health benefits for both small and large volume tumor types. One of the consequences is an increasing number of products indicated and used for multiple indications and as combination treatments. 

This increasing complexity poses a challenge for healthcare systems and pharma companies on how to orchestrate the pricing and contracting of the multi-indicational or combination products. Furthermore, systems are in need for adequate follow-up in real world.

Supporting price negotiations in Finland

Finland has an advanced healthcare system and high level of digitalization and data access. As such it is well positioned to pilot innovative contracting models with real world follow-up. IQVIA is committed to support stakeholders with solutions to support more efficient and effective contracting and monitoring of oncology treatments.

One example is our collaboration with PharmaCCX, that has created a software tool to support price negotiations and management of all kinds of price contracts. The tool allows two or more parties to:

  • Negotiate price which can differ for various indications
  • Support negotiations, whether the product is used as a monotherapy or in combination with other medicines
  • Integrate drug consumption data at indication/ combination level
  • Settle rebates under the conditions agreed between the parties
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