Patient/HCP Engagement

Patient/HCP Engagement

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you leverage technology to better engage with patients and HCPs.

Connect to the healthcare community and grow

IQVIA understands the dynamic factors motivating HCPs/Patients and offers innovative ways to optimize engagement across personal and non-personal channels.

Connect to the Healthcare Community and Grow

HCP Space allows you to build a community of knowledge, expertise and learning for Healthcare Practitioners (HCPs). By providing learning and career growth opportunities through its learning management system, along with industry news and upcoming conferences and events, it goes beyond networking opportunities. Join us to learn more about HCP Space today.

IQVIA’s AppNucleus™ is a customizable, cloud-based hosting platform that enables developers to build HIPAA compliant, secure healthcare apps leveraging IQVIA’s comprehensive data on diseases, treatments, costs and outcomes. It features a suite of plug-and-play solutions, enabling patients and physicians to exchange health information on mobile devices via a secure, encrypted channel to protect patient information. It also offers app developers a highly economical way to build security into their apps and protect patient information.

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