Unlock the value of your healthcare data with accelerated intelligence

Transform your raw data with an intelligently designed big data platform for analytics and insights at scale.


What we tackle?

Disparate Health and Non-Health Data Sources


Different data formats, structures, standards, maturity levels and latencies

Limited Medical Records in hospitals and labs with existing data inconsistencies


Lengthy and Costly Turnarounds for repetitive tasks


How it Works

IQVIA’s Health Data Flight ingests and integrates data from various health and non-health data sources and performs complex data transformations, normalization, aggregation, linkages, cleansing and enrichment at a big data scale to make it data analytics ready. We then make your data actionable by bringing in strong domain expertise and tailored analytics use cases.

Health Data Flight
Designed with key solution constructs that integrate health and non-health data from diverse sources, with data transformation and curation pre-built into the pipelines. It ensures real-time accessibility and comprehensive analytics at scale, featuring customizable flows that empower healthcare providers to make informed decisions, enhance patient care, and streamline operations with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
close up of server room with node base programming data
Iqvia Human data science

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