

The PharmaReport is a set of dashboard modules created in a managed environment by IQVIA experts. 

Understand your a glance

How are sales trending? How’s our new launch coming along? Are we gaining market share compared to our competitors? Such seemingly simple questions can be anything but simple to answer when you’ve got to rely on IT to integrate your company’s data with IQVIA data. There’s the wait. The potential that you’ll still have to wrangle with the data to view it the way you want. And the chance that something will be amiss because your IT specialists are not IQVIA data specialists.

IQVIA’s PharmaReport delivers performance dashboards to help you direct your commercial teams effectively, answering at a glance the questions you have about sales volume and trends, targeting progress, customer segmentation, early launch insights, at every level – from national views all the way down to the brick level. The PharmaReport is a set of dashboard modules created in a managed environment by IQVIA experts.

By automatically integrating data from multiple sources and presenting it with visual impact, the PharmaReport allows you to:

  • Get the most out of your data assets
  • Spend time analyzing, rather than crunching, the data
  • Interrogate data from all angles at the click of a mouse
  • Focus on your core business, not on IT issues
  • Develop effective tactics to address performance issues
  • Offer your users a friendly, easy-to-use experience 
Working and analyzing data figures

Track Sales Progress From Every Angle

The IQVIA Sales Dashboard provides views of your brand’s performance suitable for consumption by your commercial and marketing teams. Based on IQVIA sub-national data, the dashboards report sales volume, growth, and market share at the brick, sub-brick and representative level. Use it to gauge where you are vs. your goals and the competition.

For more information, reach our team to request a demo!

Market Share Analysis Screenshot from IQVIA
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