White Paper
2022 Speaker Bureau Benchmarks Report
Update to 2021 report
May 20, 2022

The pandemic prompted IQVIA to change how it gathers and reports data for its annual HCP Engagement Benchmarking analysis. Last year's white paper on the subject straddled two worlds, with an analysis of pre-pandemic trend lines in HCP engagement practices and expenses, followed by a methodical accounting of how those benchmarks had changed.

This annual snapshot of the state of Life Sciences promotional speaker programming reveals a pharmaceutical prescriber education landscape that has changed drastically, and in many ways permanently.

In response to the rapid development of new trends, IQVIA has made a series of strategic changes to the framework used to quantify and evaluate programming data. Previous white papers analyzed four categories of program types: Venue-based, In-office, Telephone-based and Online. Telephone-based programs have become obsolete; they have been replaced with virtual programming featuring primary Virtual Host programs as well as Virtual Link programs.

As such, going forward, the new categories analyzed are as follows: Live (Out of Office), Live (In office), Virtual Host and Virtual Link.

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