Q2 Investigator Services

To contact Q2 Investigator Services for any laboratory related questions, please dial the number listed against your country.

Country Toll Free Number
United States (800) 676-8452
Argentina 0800-333-2086
Australia 1800 128 829
Austria 0800 201046
Bangladesh +65 6602 1148*
Belgium 0800 74 531
Brazil 0800 891 8183
Bulgaria 008001164422
Chile 800 570 043
China 8008101165 (landline)
4006301596 (mobile)
Croatia 0800 222 371
Czech Republic  800 143 526
Denmark 80 88 08 61
Estonia 8000 044 408
Finland 0800 113215
France 0 800 90 76 78
Germany 0800 0824765
Greece 4412 2156
Hong Kong 800 903 472
Hungary 06 80 012 652
Iceland 800 8133
India 000 800 050 3147
Indonesia 001 803 657 422
Ireland 1800 535 077
Israel 1-809-432-060
Italy 080 087 6171
Japan 0120-936-915
Korea 00798 651 7102
Latvia 80 003 567
Lithuania 0 800 30 995
Luxembourg 800 21 208
Malaysia 1-800-80-1641
Montenegro 441506 814699
Netherlands 0800 0226167
New Zeland 0800 442 274
Norway 800 13 623
Pakistan +65 6602 1148*
Philippines 1800 1 651 0239
Poland 800 441 1242
Portugal 800 844 212
PretoriaSouth Africa 012 671 2225
Romania 0800 894 975
Russia (in country) 8 (495) 580-94-20
Russia (outside Russia)   8 (495) 580-94-20
Serbia 0800 800 674
Singapore +65 6602 1148*
Slovakia 0800 004 757
Slovenia 080 080463
Spain 900 994 439
Sri Lanka +65 6602 1148*
Sweden 020-79 35 22
Switzerland 0800 557 507
Taiwan 080 165 1377
Thailand 1800 656 270
Turkey 4491 3603
Ukraine 0800 502 133
United Kingdom 0800 783 0124
Vietnam +65 6602 1148*


Generic telephone/fax numbers and email address

Generic 00441506814699 (phone)
Europe and QSAF 0044 1506 816090 / 0044 1506 816093 (Fax)
US 1-7703733731, 8008016609 (fax for Kit Orders)
1-8009622756 (fax for DCQ)
EDI/ATL/SAF Email  investigatorsitesupport@q2labsolutions.com
Singapore and India +65 6602 1148 (phone)
+65 6274 4292 / 6278 7275 (fax)
Japan 0120 936 915 (phone)
0120 981 856 (fax)
China +86 10 8783 5024 (phone)
+86 10 8783 5196 (fax)
APAC Email ISTeam.SG@q2labsolutions.com
LATAM Email Q2LATAMInvServices@q2labsolutions.com