Central Nervous System

Forging new frontiers in CNS therapies

Delivering novel CNS therapies is scientifically, medically and operationally complex. At IQVIA, we have more data and insights than ever before to drive innovation forward.

With over three decades of experience across neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatry, sleep, CNS rare diseases and pain, our CNS team can help you design and deliver complex clinical trials.

Better Together: A community of brave minds

We back your passion and expertise with a team of CNS therapeutic experts, data scientists, project leaders and analysts who fearlessly strive to improve the lives of patients.

Our CNS team has a broad range of backgrounds and specialties, and we stand united with a singular focus: delivering innovative clinical trial solutions that drive new therapies to market.

Complex CNS challenges

As one of the highest areas of unmet need, CNS diseases are diverse, occurring at every life stage with varying severity. With fewer early-stage trials and a higher attrition rate, CNS clinical research presents a higher level of risk.

Foremost is the risk of an inconclusive trial result. 

Given the high degree of complexity associated with the diagnosis and measurement of change in neuropsychiatric disorders, it is important to have a development partner with scientific expertise, operational resources and vast data assets to help you reach the right patients for the trial. 

Global variability in data collection and reporting add further challenges to CNS clinical research. The need to collect and synthesize this data is pivotal to your trial’s success.

Make intelligent connections

Our dedicated team of brave minds will help you manage risk and find the right path to success by harnessing the power of the IQVIA Connected Intelligence™. This holistic approach integrates our domain expertise, unparalleled data, advanced analytics and fit- for-purpose machine learning to produce innovative approaches that get your medicines to patients faster.

Connected Intelligence enables our experts to consistently deliver excellence via

  • Data driven models to increase diversity and reliability of patient populations
  • Global site capabilities including emerging markets to identify site capacity requirements to meet trial endpoints
  • Decentralized and hybrid trial solutions to take trials directly to the patient
  • Focus on innovative cell & gene therapies
  • Device and wearables capabilities to improve objectivity of outcome measurements
  • Development of master protocols and adaptive trials to strengthen study design and ease patient burden

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