Developing IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn more新時代の価値創造へ グローバルの総合力で革新的なパフォーマンスを IQVIAは、グローバルの先端知識と日本ローカルの深い知見を組み合わせた屈指の専門性に、データ・分析力・テクノロジーを掛け合わせた革新的なアプローチで、新時代における医薬品・医療機器開発の精度とスピードを加速し、製品価値の最大化を支援します。
概要Our offerings provide access to all functions and services for partners to successfully navigate the regulatory processes and perform high quality clinical development in Japan.
概要リアルワールド ソリューションに関する幅広いポートフォリオを通じて、製品ライフサイクルに臨床的および商業的側面の両方から価値をもたらすことをお約束します。
概要世界最大規模のヘルスケア業界知識とチームを活かし、経営戦略から事業・組織の実装まで、End to Endでお客様の課題解決を支援いたします。
概要IQVIAは、お客様の様々なニーズにお応えし続けるために ライフサイエンス業界に特化した革新的な ソリューションの充実に注力していきます。 当社のテクノロジーソリューションは、 コンプライアンスを遵守しながらも、 医療全体の高度化と業績拡大を目指すお客様を、 強力にご支援してまいります。
概要Historically, there has been a negative perception around the complexities and costs of developing drugs in Japan which has seen many innovators excluding it from their strategy and preventing Japanese patients being able to access the safest and most effective treatments.
The Japanese government have been working hard to change this and has implemented several systems to reward innovation resulting in a significant increase in the number of multi region clinical trials including Japan with growth at over 400% in the last 10 years.
This webinar will discuss some of the rewarding systems implemented by the government and regulatory considerations if developing in Japan, the second largest market in the world for branded pharmaceuticals.
Key take-aways:
Alan Thomas
Director, Thought Leadership, IQVIA Japan Group
Gen Uchida
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs Management, IQVIA Japan Group