IQVIA Research Forum 2022

Pathways and Priorities for High Impact Health Research

The IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science annually hosts the IQVIA Research Forum, which brings together multi-disciplinary researchers based in academia and other public or private institutions to exchange perspectives and experiences in advancing the collective understanding of critical healthcare-related issues through evidence-based research.

The 2022 Forum examined a range of methodological challenges in health research, including research questions around national emergencies, social determinants and outcomes, heterogeneity of patient affordability, evidence of improving R&D productivity, and demonstrating the value to patients of academic research.

Day 1, session 1 – October 10, 2022: Exploring the elusive nature of applied research in national health crises

Day 1, session 2: Incorporating the impact of social determinants on outcomes in healthcare research

IQVIA Research Forum - Day 1

  • Exploring the Elusive Nature of Applied Research in National Health Crises
  • Incorporating the Impact of Social Determinants on Outcomes in Healthcare Research

Day 2: Navigating the complexity and heterogeneity of patient affordability and access

IQVIA Research Forum - Day 2

  • Navigating the Complexity and Heterogeneity of Patient Affordability and Access
  • Advancing Evidence-Based Research to Improve R&D Productivity

Day 3, session 1:  Elevating the value to patients of academic health research

Day 3, session 2: Charting the future of high impact health research

Businesswoman doing a presentation

IQVIA Research Forum - Day 3

  • Elevating the Value to Patients of Academic Health Research
  • Charting the Future of High Impact Health Research
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