Fact Sheet
Longitudinal Access and Adjudication Data Enhanced with Mortality Data
A comprehensive patient-centric dataset with the most complete source of mortality data on the market for a simplified path to understanding the patient experience
Jul 10, 2024

The healthcare industry is challenged to find insights that shed light on how, why, and if people are dying, what therapies can extend life and for how long, and whether the U.S. is gaining or losing ground in our fight against specific diseases. More than ever, the industry needs awareness of patient dynamics including mortality and its impact on persistence and compliance.

Enhanced with Mortality Data, LAAD can now answer additional critical questions for commercial, real world, and clinical leaders by combining our comprehensive medical claims and pharmacy data including views into diagnoses, treatments, and associated costs, with the most complete source of U.S. mortality data on the market that captures 90% of U.S. deaths when compared to official CDC reporting.

Read the fact sheet to learn more.

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