Designed specifically for the challenges and modeling approaches of the life sciences industry
The biggest repetitive task in pharma forecasting is data wrangling. Forecasters have to gather updates from multiple stakeholders and affiliates – which can take weeks – then run all of the calculations, while continuously tweaking numbers and inputs. As the quantity of data involved in this process expands, it will eventually render this process obsolete, particularly for organizations that are still using spreadsheets to do most of the work.
But Algorithmic Forecasting (AF) offers a better way.
AF uses artificial intelligence and automated algorithms to analyze real-time data feeds and interpret trends to forecast commercial performance. The algorithms constantly monitor the data and provide automatic updates whenever relevant information becomes available.
It brings speed, accuracy, and deeper insights to commercial forecasts all with considerably less human effort.
According to a recent survey conducted by IQVIA, industry experts see these benefits as key reasons they are learning more about algorithmic forecasting. However, many life sciences companies are uncertain about where to begin.
The good news is that it isn’t as hard as it sounds. Forecasters don’t need to learn Python or how to train an algorithm, and they can ease into AF methods through incremental automation.
Many forecasters begin with a ‘manual-lite’ approach, in which the AF platform suggests predictions, but requires confirmation from the forecaster to move forward. This first phase of AF shortens the time to results and lowers the risk of bias, while still leaving the final decisions to the forecaster. IQVIA’s Forecast Horizon platform is one example of a platform that gives forecasters the tools they need to implement such an approach. This ‘lite’ level of AF can be easier to implement, and ease forecasters and decision-makers down the path to total AF automation.
The rising pressure on forecasters to generate more and better insights from a growing flow of data means they can no longer delay. If companies want to stay abreast of trends in the market and take fast, informed action, then they need a more automated approach to the forecasting process. AF can help them achieve that goal.
The transition will take time and commitment from all stakeholders, but once organizations see the powerful innovation these platforms can bring to their planning process, they will never look back.
To see more, read our white paper on algorithmic forecasting or reach out to
Designed specifically for the challenges and modeling approaches of the life sciences industry
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