Measure ROI and Customer Engagement
IQVIA Campaign Impact Analysis shows you which campaigns are delivering results
IQVIA Technology Solutions
Feb 16, 2022

The accelerated digital evolution is changing the dynamics of healthcare provider (HCP) engagement. Life sciences’ commercial teams have been forced to redefine how they answer the most common marketing dilemma:

How much should we spend on each channel to maximize return on investment (ROI)?

Life sciences companies continue to invest large portions of their budgets in campaigns that may bring little to no return. Companies are either not measuring ROI or are not able to measure ROI properly at the channel or customer level.

It is like throwing darts at a target while blindfolded; you never know if you’ve hit the target or if you need to adjust your aim.

Enrolling a healthcare provider into the same (or a similar) campaign and hoping it will make a positive impact can erode customer relationships and is not the best way to allocate a company’s budget.

What if you could leverage a solution to not only remove your company’s blindfold but provide the insights you need?

Designed with privacy in mind, IQVIA Campaign Impact Analysis enables you to leverage sensitive data assets safely and responsibly for the rapid and more accurate measurement of your campaigns. Campaign Impact Analysis examines billions of data points from different channels using artificial intelligence and machine learning. It provides marketers with accurate, precise, and meaningful insights at the customer level in minutes.

Three reasons to use Campaign Impact Analysis

1. Up to 3x more precise than traditional solutions

Data privacy regulations require certain data to be grouped before being shared in order to ensure individual anonymity. For example, when measuring impact for high prescribers using this grouped data, it is generally less than 25 percent accurate. The accuracy is low because the data does not include the individual doctor’s subtle changes in prescribing behavior or channel preference, among other measurements.

Campaign Impact Analysis can access these subtle changes without exposing privacy-protected data while boosting accuracy levels to 90 percent.

2. Up to 10x more cost effective than traditional solutions

Companies using traditional tools and statistical resources could expect project costs in the five-figure range per analysis.

Campaign Impact Analysis integrates data, algorithms, and processes all in one place. It utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to ensure analyses are ten times more cost effective. You can run Campaign Impact Analysis repeatedly without incurring further costs.

3. Up to 1000x quicker than traditional solutions

Traditional solutions typically provide insights months after a campaign ends when they may no longer actionable.

With Campaign Impact Analysis, HCP-level campaign impact reports can be produced within minutes, even while your campaign is still in progress, or immediately upon completion.

If you want to know more about how IQVIA can help you rethink your commercial strategies and maximize ROI, please contact us by clicking the button below to book a demo.

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