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Venue Preparedness For In-Person Promotional Programming—How to prepare for safe, effective, and compliant HCP engagements
Apr 19, 2021

As the world contemplates what post-pandemic HCP engagements and meetings will look like, the life sciences industry is at the forefront of discovering and defining that new normal. Venues are reopening and people are once again beginning to meet, but the ongoing risk of COVID-19 still rules the day, and nearly all the logistics pertaining to in-person programs must be rethought.

The complexity of navigating this drastically different environment, demands that life sciences companies prepare and partner with a trusted service provider that has experience, deep analytical resources, and tools to facilitate HCP engagement whether live, virtual, or hybrid.

Download this white paper for IQVIA insight into:

  • How to safely navigate in-person HCP engagements
  • Important questions to ask venues when planning live meetings
  • And the key considerations for hybrid and virtual meeting planning

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