Fact Sheet
FSP Change Management - Preparation for the journey ahead
A custom approach to supporting people through times of change, ensuring FSP success
Jul 18, 2024

The only thing constant is change – co-create a custom change management approach to help tackle change head-on.

Clinical trials involve a myriad of challenges that require constant agility and flexibility including:

  1. Working in a borderless world
  2. Technological advances
  3. Complex, and ever-changing regulatory requirements
  4. Data quality and management

It is no secret that when an FSP or project struggles, people are frequently blamed. Doesn't it make sense that people are the key to project success?

Strategic structure to drive change

That may seem overly simplistic until you understand that "people" is an equation with a much broader definition than just a living being. People = humans (rational and emotional) + adaptability + always learning mindset. That's where Change Management comes into play. Change Management is a practical scientific approach designed to provide individuals (people) with the preparation, equipment, and support necessary to drive project, team, and organizational success. Through this approach, we can factor in the emotion involved, and infuse empathy into our initiatives. By consciously acknowledging the human parts of the equation, we can limit resistance, conflict, and frustration, reduce delays and costs, and accelerate the desired outcome.

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