Patient preference – an essential perspective for patient-centric care in oncology

October 31, 2023


11:00am - 12:00pm



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Since 2005, there has been a shift to focus on patient-reported and patient-centric initiatives in support of drug development planning and execution by health authorities. In oncology, the practice of patient-centric care is particularly important, as there are challenging trade-offs to be made between the benefit and risks of drugs throughout different stages of disease progression. One treatment could benefit a particular outcome such as survival, but negatively influence another, like patient independence1, therefore treatment choice will be influenced by the patient’s preference for outcomes.

Join IQVIA's panel of experts as we address the following topics:

  • Understanding supplementary evidence needs to support market access and launch:
    • The role of evidence generated from patient preference studies in oncology
    • Best practices and strategies for patient-centric evidence generation
  • How patient preference research allows us to generate scientifically robust data:
    • Key preference methodologies to generate patient preference data for treatment characteristics and outcomes, and considerations for selection
    • Example cases demonstrating the impact of patient preference evidence
  • Regulatory authority perspectives of preference methodologies:
    • FDA and EMA’s perspective for the use of preference information
    • HTA bodies and payers’ perspectives for the use of preference information
    • Preferences to support the clinicians’ and the patients’ perspectives
  • The future for preference research in oncology

1: Seghers PAL, Wiersma A, Festen S, Stegmann ME, Soubeyran P, Rostoft S, O’Hanlon S, Portielje JEA, Hamaker ME. Patient Preferences for Treatment Outcomes in Oncology with a Focus on the Older Patient—A Systematic Review. Cancers. 2022; 14(5):1147. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14051147

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