Swiss Medic Congress Jubilee

September 20, 2022


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Bern, Switzerland, Europe

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In a global environment of diverse and ever-changing market regulations, medical device manufacturers have an even greater challenge with the execution of product registration activities and the commercialisation of their products. Whilst the combination of patient safety requirements, political change and economic factors can have a strong influence on the underlying market regulations the use of strategic planning initiatives, market intelligence and global systems can increase the transparency and predictability of the product registration process. Ultimately, the optimisation of the go to market timelines bring a dual benefit to both the healthcare practitioners, who will have access to the latest medical devices, and the medical device manufacturer alike who can reduce the risk of re-work of inflight registrations and bring increased confidence to global product launch dates.

Please join us during this session, part of SwissMedic's "Regulatory and Beyond" exploration, where Michael King, Senior Director of Product & Strategy for Safety, Regulatory & Quality Technology Solutions at IQVIA, will review some of the key principles that can assist in bringing predictability to a manufacturer's global product registration activities.

To set up a meeting at the event with an IQVIA expert, reach out to regulatorytechnolgoy@iqvia.com



Michael King
Senior Director of Product & Strategy for Safety, Regulatory & Quality Technology Solutions at IQVIA

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