Speaker Programs Summit

February 16, 2022


1:30pm - 2:15pm



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Session title: Deploy a Collaborative Approach to Drive Adoption of New Policies and Procedures
Date: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. EST
Speaker: Karen Villarreal, Senior Director, Customer Success, Speaker Bureau and HCP Engagements at IQVIA

Session description:
  • Examine effective approaches/examples of how compliance, legal and commercial/marketing operations have successfully partnered to roll out new policies and processes to address PhRMA code changes
  • Ensure that all key functions understand their roles and how their roles are affected
  • Consider strategies for effectively monitoring and auditing to ensure compliance
  • Discuss best practices to communicate, educate and inform internal stakeholders of the PhRMA Code updates, OIG SFA assertions and case investigations and why it is critical to maintain alignment across all functions of the organization
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