Forecasting in a Time of Rapid Change: 5 Key Challenges for Commercial Forecasters

September 2, 2020


5:00pm - 6:00pm


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In times of uncertainty and disruption, organizations rely heavily on their commercial forecasting teams to provide answers to key business questions. In the past 6 months we’ve seen forecasters fighting to build accurate forecasts despite large swings in key market dynamics, such as the 2000%+ increase in telehealth visits and accompanying changes in prescription rates.

In this webinar, we’ll look at 5 key challenges commercial forecasters face and how best-in-class teams have responded in this time of rapid change:

  • Increasing responsiveness by reducing turnaround time to add new scenarios and events
  • Unifying the forecast funnel to reduce submission times and delays from affiliates and other groups
  • Moving beyond the ‘single best forecast’ paradigm to model a range of potential outcomes
  • Managing the data dump from an avalanche of information from a multitude of sources
  • Increased visibility of forecast mechanics to meet the surge in demand for forecast data

3 Key take-aways

  • Improve forecast accuracy in a time of rapid change by increasing your ability to incorporate new data and ideas
  • Reduce the time to get data from teams, to respond more quickly to adverse events and market disruption
  • Better position your organization to meet challenges and succeed in a time of uncertainty

Rick Johnston, PhD

Senior Principal, Consulting Software IQVIA

David Wolter, MBA

Vice President, Consulting ServicesIQVIA
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