Accurate Forecasting in the Life Sciences (it’s all about the Patients) Webinar (EU)
Biopharmaceutical drugs present a significant challenge for forecasting groups since patients typically take longer courses of treatment, with significant variability in dosing, tolerance and the likelihood of different lines of treatment. Current forecasting tools often use simplifications of these metrics in order to make the planning process easier, but such simplifications are fraught with risk.  

May 1, 2018


4:00pm - 5:00pm



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Biopharmaceutical drugs present a significant challenge for forecasting groups since patients typically take longer courses of treatment, with significant variability in dosing, tolerance and the likelihood of different lines of treatment. Current forecasting tools often use simplifications of these metrics in order to make the planning process easier, but such simplifications are fraught with risk.  In this webinar we demonstrate how patient forecasting can be both powerful and simple using Horizon, our long-range patient forecasting platform. We look at how a systematic approach to forecasting patients leads to better understanding of patient needs and market dynamics. Showing how to automatically flow these calculations through to other key metrics like volume and revenue. Finally, we’ll examine why such forecasts align the business around one set of numbers, allowing correct sizing decisions for staff, facilities and capacity.
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