Launch lighthouse

Ready, Set, Launch

A successful new product launch is one of the most important things a company can do. IQVIA’s Launch Lighthouse offers a powerful web-based solution that enables users to create and monitor personalized launch plans across their entire global portfolio.

Ignite your launch

Launching a new product is a critical milestone for any company. IQVIA’s Launch Lighthouse utilizes IQVIA’s Launch Excellence framework, developed from best practices collected from over 100 product launches. To ensure a successful launch, thorough preparation is essential, and taking advantage of IQVIA wide capabilities can also help you develop a bespoke launch plan specific to your asset, which can be uploaded and tracked in Launch Lighthouse.

Global portfolio tracking

Build product and country-specific plans leveraging real-time monitoring and launch activity updates.

Real-time coordination

Launch teams and functional groups can identify crucial pre-launch activities and plan, coordinate, and track them to drive launch success.

Streamlined process

Delegate workstreams, identify delayed activities and generate reports with only a few clicks.

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