Launch Tracking

Launch Tracking

In today’s dynamic environment it is critical to be sure you are monitoring the right information since physician behavior is increasingly influenced by payers, integrated delivery networks, and patients. 

Evaluate launch performance.

Your launch brand is new to the market. What have you and your team done to ensure you know what is driving launch performance or hindering it? In today’s dynamic environment it is critical to be sure you are monitoring the right information since physician behavior is increasingly influenced by payers, integrated delivery networks, and patients. You may be wondering:

  • Is patient acquisition where it needs to be?
  • Do we have enough prescribers?
  • Is payer support adequate?

Our best-in-class approach to innovative Key Performance Indicators (KPI) delivers insightful and actionable metrics, clear benchmarks, and a process for corrective actions to track launch performance.The IQVIA Launch Excellence team’s comprehensive launch tracking approach can help you:

  • Establish benchmarks that align to reach forecast expectations
  • Generate diagnostic hypotheses and recommend adjustments based on best demonstrated practices and experience in relevant therapeutic areas
  • Conduct stakeholder analysis across the patient, provider, and payer landscape to understand factors that are driving or dragging performance
  • Leverage the full breadth of IQVIA assets, including primary intelligence, refill analysis, brand sentiment, longitudinal data to assess valuation, investment level, Rx prescriber confidence, and sales alignment to help optimize launch performance
  • Quantify, communicate and visualize performance against KPIs
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