A New Dimension: Biopharma Market Dynamics at the Disease Level

October 3, 2023


1:00PM - 2:00PM



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Medicines have always been used to treat a variety of illnesses but building a detailed understanding of trends at a disease level has consistently remained a challenge. Enhanced forecasting precision, comprehensive competitor analysis and exploration of market trends at the disease level are all better facilitated with IQVIA’s new MIDAS Disease data.

This webinar will showcase analysis and outputs from the MIDAS Disease offering, exploring value and volume trends of pharmaceutical products across 93 countries whilst also providing an in-depth focus on sharing insights that cover six key disease areas:

  • Oncology
  • Immunology
  • Respiratory
  • Endocrine & Metabolic
  • Cardiovascular Central Nervous System (CNS).
What this webinar will address:
  • At a macro level, diseases will be compared to investigate which are the most prominent in volume and value terms (e.g., the breast cancer market was worth circa $26 billion in 2022, closely followed by non-small cell lung cancer at $22 billion in 2022)
  • Trends relating to growth within each disease area will then be uncovered (e.g., the global immunology market is growing at 13% and psoriasis is the main driver of this, in terms of absolute growth)
  • The analysis then dives deeper to understand which molecules and products are responsible for notable trends (e.g., within the breast cancer market, Keytruda and Verzenio grew at 690% and 85% respectively between 2021 and 2022)
  • Lastly, the generics sector will be investigated across a number of disease areas (e.g., showing the latest uptake of biosimilars in major markets).

The second half of the webinar will involve a demonstration of MIDAS Disease, showcasing how the data can be interrogated to provide both broad and deep insights which can be customized to meet a diverse range of needs. The demonstration will focus on an immunology brand, and show how MIDAS Disease data can be segmented to:

  • Analyze trends by drug, country and disease
  • Illustrate how disease splits may vary depending on the strength of a product
  • See the data source driving disease ratio splits within the dataset itself.

Join our webinar to find out more about MIDAS Disease and how you can make the most of the new insights on offer to help support your business operations.


Helena Bayley Analyst, EMEA Thought Leadership IQVIA

Sarah Bickley Offering Management Director, MIDAS IQVIA

Please join us on this webinar by registering to attend on this link.

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