
A focused approach to channel 

Know how your company and brand stand up to the competition, identify marketing strengths and weaknesses, and better manage both traditional and digital channels.

Tighter budgets. More regulations. New marketing channels.

Launching and tracking products in a dynamic global environment requires a sharply focused attention to detail and a timely understanding of benchmarks and best practice.

IQVIA ChannelDynamics® gives you the information, focus and agility you need to optimize your salesforce, manage you marketing mix, and adapt your strategy.

Measure the impact of your sales force and messaging

Combining sales force monitoring with HCP message recall measurement, ChannelDynamics allows you to get a deep understanding of your face to face activity.

  • Measure your own and your competitors' sales force performance worldwide to benchmark and adapt your commercial strategy
  • Use a wide range of detailing metrics providing granular insights into share of voice and HCP perception of call quality and impact
  • Monitor message quality across channels at the brand level for real world competitive insights
  • Update to « Monitor message quality across channels at the brand level for real world competitive insights. And benefit from the power of Healthcare-grade AI® for maximum campaign impact using ChannelDynamics Verbatim with AI Assistant.

Monitor marketing channel performance

In addition to sales force monitoring, ChannelDynamics­ provides unique insights into channel spend and performance, including

  • Digital channels
  • Meetings and events
  • Mailing and advertising
  • Social media and apps
  • Sampling
Introducing IQVIA ChannelDynamics® Verbatim with AI Assistant

Harness the Power of Conversational AI: Prioritize the Voice of HCPs for Maximum Campaign Impact

With ChannelDynamics Verbatim with AI Assistant, leverage the power of conversational AI to intuitively analyze large volumes of brand level verbatims from over 30,000 HCPs captured across a diverse omnichannel mix, linked to perception of content quality and impact - in near real time.

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