Gain high value access and increase the profitability of your brands
When innovative new therapies enter the market, they bring meaningful advances in treatment — but many newer specialty drugs are not as simple as taking a medication. Specialty therapies may have unique patient safety and appropriate use criteria that require lab tests, diagnostic tests and even monitoring prior to patients being cleared for therapy. Unfortunately, these complexities and requirements create barriers to patients starting and adhering to therapy.
Today, patients are more actively involved in their treatment decisions and expect a consumer-grade experience that includes meeting their needs where they are and when they need support. Most pharma manufacturers do not employ a nationwide network of clinicians who can go directly to patients in their homes to facilitate care. And without this capability, manufacturers miss an opportunity to positively impact patient satisfaction, in addition to delays in treatment onboarding. Even worse, patients who are candidates for the therapy may not start or stay on the prescribed treatment because they cannot (or choose not to) come to a clinical facility for a variety of reasons:
IQVIA’s In-Home Clinical Solutions is a key element to tailored patient support programs (PSPs) across therapeutic categories, demonstrating how vital it is to meet the needs of patients prescribed complex therapies where they are and when they need support.
Here are a few examples:
In the scenarios outlined above, pharma manufacturers implemented IQVIA’s In-Home Clinical Solutions and removed barriers to patient initiation of therapy and improved patient adherence to specialty therapies such as:
IQVIA’s nationwide network of experienced clinicians possess the right knowledge, skills, mobile technology, and compassion for delivering clinical solutions to patients at home. Even in rural locations clinicians go to the patient directly, allowing the HCP to clear them for therapy faster, monitor patients receiving a first dose for potential side effects, and/or teach patients to self-inject in a one-on-one training session.
IQVIA’s clinical team are equipped with tablets that enable them to conduct patient surveys, education, and other services to assess patient satisfaction, capitalizing on over a decade of experience building trust and relationships throughout their patient interactions. And many patients, especially children, are more comfortable in the familiar environment of their own home rather than in a clinic. Patients also get privacy, convenience, and more control over their care with in-home clinical services. This results in a positive patient experience and a more satisfied customer, and for those requiring repeat visits, comfort knowing the clinician is one they have a personal connection with.
Today, patients are more actively involved in their treatment decisions and expect a consumer-grade experience that includes meeting their needs where they are and when they need support. Without a network of clinicians who can go directly to patients in their homes to facilitate care, access to critical therapies could be delayed and patient satisfaction can be negatively impacted. We share considerations for specialty therapy manufacturers on offering in-home healthcare to patients who need it the most.
Gain high value access and increase the profitability of your brands
Deploy sales representatives, clinical nurse educators, field reimbursement specialists virtually or in the field to communicate the benefits of your therapy.